AUGUST | 2023

Turning Tides
Navigating the Evolving World of Cybercrime


H1 2023
Crimeware Trends and Highlights

The report leverages data collected during Arete incident response engagements and explores the rise and fall of ransomware variants, trends in ransom demands and payments, industries targeted by ransomware attacks, and what may be coming next.  

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Previous Crimeware Reports

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 For Every Action,
There Is an Equal and Opposite Reaction

Cybercrime is in a constant state of evolution and revolution, and threat actors are reacting to the actions of their targets as governments and law enforcement agencies seek to protect those targets. 

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 Crime and No Punishment

Like legitimate businesspeople, threat actors are always looking for ways to optimize operations and boost profits.. 

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Post-Mortem Analysis
of a Dumpster Fire

Unique insight into the state of ransomware based on data from more than 1,500 incident response and forensics cases. 


Want more info?

An incident is a moment in time — albeit a critical one — but good security requires a long-term commitment.